While diversity of product base can bring huge advantages to your eBay business it can be the bane of your eBay shop design. Trying to sell products that are relatively unrelated, and designing your store to appeal to the customers for these disparate markets, means watering down a focussed message in favour of a more generic appeal. This is by no means a reason not to do this, but it means that the designers who are responsible for the feel and appeal of your eBay store template must be well aware of these pressures and understand how to broaden the appeal of the main store page and create multiple listings template that enhance the product group without subverting the branding of your company as a whole.
You may think that this is a common challenge but look how few businesses have made a recognisable success out of diversity, a short list that is mostly made up of supermarkets, hardware stores and catalogue businesses. Fortunately help is at hand if you wish to make to take advantage of the opportunity that eBay presents. At eBay Store Design we cut our teeth working on designs for clients with very focussed product ranges and those with diverse catalogues. The result is that we have a portfolio of exciting, dynamic eBay store page designs and the experience to create eBay shop pages that will perfectly reflect your products and your business.