CRM integration with the Cross Channel CMS

Cross channel ecommerce systems do not have to be limited simply to selling mechanisms like your ecommerce website and your eBay Shop. Sitting behind these direct selling channels and the Single Customer View for orders and stock control is a wealth of data that can aid your selling efforts.

Customer Relationship Management is a fundamental part of the sales and support side of your business that cannot be ignored, even for an SME. By channelling customer records, their previous purchases, the channels through which they shopped and any communications they made within the buying process into the CRM directly through your Cross Channel CMS you can combine this data with direct feedback from that customer and others to build up a full picture of where your business is able to be pushed and developed.

Using CRM data to drive your ecommerce and retail business

As well as standing back and taking a look at the bigger business picture, CRM integration into your commerce systems allow you to create even more customer trust and engagement. Your telephone order operatives will have perfect access to previous customer orders and comments, meaning that they can help your customers more quickly and with better data. Even linking your EPOS system to this data can aid you business, allowing your staff to make on the spot recommendations based on statistical analysis and acting as customer service directly for previous customers.

Cross Channel Ecommerce systems integrations really are limitless, and so are the possibilities a Cross Channel Ecommerce system from eBay Store Design brings to your business

“We chose eStore Design to build our eBay store as we were impressed with their ability to create custom stores that improve usability and help with the continuation of our brand. We are very happy with the result and look forward to enjoying the increase in sales we are confident this will help us achieve.”

Matt Morgan

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eStore Design

Building 3-4 Millars Brook Molly Millars Lane Wokingham Berkshire RG41 2AD United Kingdom

0118 380 0205

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