Trying to ensure that your customers can find your listing is one of the cornerstones of running an eBay store, after all, if your customers cannot find your listings then there will be no sales.

Get your eBay Listings Titles right

Your first line of attack is to check the titles of your listings. To get a rough idea of what you should be entering, try and find an example of your product on eBay. Compare the listings that come up, especially if you find yourself wading through several pages of products that are not relevant. By adding in keywords in your listing title (and subtitle) you can ensure that as your customers refine their search terms to cut through the incorrect products they will always find your listing coming up again and again.

Product information in eBay Listings

Some eBayers have a great deal of knowledge of their product, so include information that this knowledge can get a grip on. Part numbers, model numbers, production years, anything you know of this sort should go in as if a knowledgeable customer finds your listing, this demonstration of your own knowledge can be the deciding factor in a sale. If a customer asks you a question, demanding information that you don't have, research this so that the next time you list a product of this type you will be able to provide that information into the listings.

Photography for eBay Listings

The importance of clear photography cannot be stressed enough. Photographs should clearly show the condition of the product being sold, should show THE product being sold and should leave nothing to be questioned regarding the item. If you are selling new items then set yourself apart from every other seller of these items by taking new photos of the product. You can even include a video of the product in use to seal the deal. The final point to be made about the photography is to brand your images. This not only stops them being used by other sellers, it also allows previous and new customers to readily identify your product listings in a search, making use of that customer loyalty which you have cultivated for your business.

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Steve Kay

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0118 380 0205

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