With the announcements about eBay active content, many people are concerned about the future of their eBay Stores. Here is a list of facts and myths to help keep you informed and dispel some of the myths about active content on eBay!
MYTH - You Cannot Personalise Your eBay Store!
Some people are concerned that without eBay active content they cannot personalise their eBay Store. This is not true, you can still personalise your store without using this type of content.
You are still able to personalise and customise your listings using HTML and CSS. If you do not know how to personalise your store yourself, you can speak to an eBay design expert and enquire about an eBay design service.
FACT – You Can Include Videos In Your Listings!
It is true that you cannot use a flash or JavaScript in your listings because these count as eBay active content. However, this does not mean that you cannot include videos in your listings!
You can still include videos in your listings; just use the format MP4 and a <video> tag.
Videos can be very useful for informing a potential customer and as such, videos could possibly help to increase your conversions. So don't be put off by the active content changes, you can still include videos in your listings!
MYTH – eBay Are Banning Widgets!
eBay are not banning widgets, the new policy on active content only relates to features that contain active content. You can replace many features created using active content by using HTML or CSS, such as a scrolling gallery; showcasing similar items to the item being browsed by the user.
You can still customise your eBay Store in various ways using HTML and CSS. There are numerous online guides to using both HTML and CSS, however if you are struggling to customise your online store, you can ring 0845 050 3500 and talk to the eBay design experts; E-Store Design.
FACT – Some Forms Of Active Content Are Not Mobile Friendly!
Some forms of active content cannot be viewed on a mobile device; using active content could possibly exclude some users from having the best possible user experience on your eBay Store!
As more than half of all eBay transactions involve a mobile device at some point prior to purchasing, using content that isn't mobile friendly in your eBay listings could result in missed opportunities!
MYTH – Active Content Doesn't Affect Page Load Times!
Whilst many people may think that active content can improve their eBay Store and their eBay listings, active content can increase your load times. This means that it could take much longer to for your listing or store to load!
FACT – Active Content Can Raise Security Vulnerabilities!
Some forms of active content such as JavaScript can pose security vulnerabilities. JavaScript can allow for of something known as XSS (Cross Site Scripting). XSS is an attack where the attacker injects a malicious script into a website or a web application. By using this technique a victim can be attacked indirectly, as a vulnerability within the website or the web application is used to deliver the malicious script to the victim.
Need To Replace The Active Content On Your eBay Store? Talk To The eBay Design Experts; E-Store Design!
If you have active content within your eBay Store, you need to replace it! If you do not know how to replace it and would like the assistance of eBay design experts, contact E-Store Design!
Our team of experts understand the different between the online auction website eBay and a professional eCommerce website. Our team fully understands what makes eBay unique; they are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve success on the platform.
If you need to remove or replace your eBay active content and would like more information regarding the services our professional team of eBay design experts can provide, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you would like to contact us and book a consultation, or if you have any questions or queries, you can contact us by:
- Calling, 0845 050 3500.
- Sending an email to, sales@e-store-design.co.uk.
Or filling out our Contact Form and our team will respond as soon as possible.